We get a Rise out of Fall – Part 1 of 3

Autumn is one of the BEST times of year on the San Mateo County coast.  The weather pattern is such that our warmest and mildest weather is between September and November, I mean December, actually January can be good too.  Anyway, for anyone who knows me, I can get a little carried away with good weather – back to Fall…

 There is something in the air that is like a second Spring here…

Excitement is stirred into the pumpkin bread mix as we prepare to – reconnect with friends (this is my Part 1) – prepare for our volunteer jobs at the Pumpkin Festival (Part 2) – and perhaps take the time to check off a small home improvement project before the Holidays (Part 3).  So much to do, so little time.

Reconnect with Friends!  My “life” friends and I have just sent – or are sending – our first or last babies off to college this month.  What an experience!!!!  Once the spontaneous tears have subsided a bit I will be planning a get-together to eat good food (of course), and reminise about the days of baby mini-traumas, toddler playdates, birthday parties, sleepovers, crazy sports schedules and raising a horse-loving daughter.  The coastside is a fabulous place to raise a family and Fall brings it all back, even when the babies are now spreading their wings.  Ok, here I go… time out, getting tissue…Ok, I’m back.

So much has happened since I first came to Half Moon Bay 18 years ago.  A lifesaver was co-founding the Coastside Mother’s Club.  Its membership has grown by leaps and bounds since I and five other women started it back in the early 1990’s.  My kids were 3 and 1 then.  The other new moms that I met through that network are now my forever friends and we will be having that Fall dinner party soon.  One quick story for this blog, more in future blogs…

I will never forget the Thanksgiving when 4 young families – the young parents and each with our first child – attempted to have a “sit down” celebration when our kids were almost 1.  In addition to the 8 adults in our tiny dining room, there were 4 high chairs.  What I remember most was all of us taking bites here and there, getting up and down constantly and trying to keep food from the highchair trays from flying all over the room.  It was crazy and fun.  I think we managed to prevent any wine spillage, a good thing.

Reconnect with your friends this Fall.